Saturday, January 26, 2008

The 'Perfect' Home

We had a home inspection today. We are getting a new homeowners policy, so at 8:30 this morning a guy came out to assess the value of our home. Pre-coffee.

Now to many, this may not be a big deal. But to us, it meant that we had to clean. Our home is the home of lots of fast moving feet and the home of many critters. I guess if I was more organized, like say, my sister, I would be better at this sort of thing. My sister is the one person in the family who got the clean-gene. Even her storage room is beautiful and color-coded. It's amazing. But I am convinced that I spend more time cleaning and picking-up than a naturally organized person. I do not have the clean-gene and unfortunately, Jon is even farther away from it than I. Problem is, he thinks that he has this gene. This causes him to walk into a room, make it look like a tornado hit, then as he looks back at his path of destruction, he gets grumpy wondering who dun' it.
But, like I said, we had an inspector come over this morning. So, knowing he was going to check the fuse box, which is in the boys' bedroom, we set out to clean their bedroom last night. I still cannot figure out how popcorn can get into every single thing in the room. How does it get into pillowcases. And how can we have so many stinking air soft pellets? And why are they down in the mattress pads and in the guitar and in the vents? I think I picked up about 32 guitar picks and 24 push pins. Oh, and I stepped on one. But after about half an hour, the room looked good (to our standards anyway) and was vacuumed and dusted.

When Mr. Homeowner inspector came over, he took pictures of the kitchen and bathroom (ugh) and assorted other things. He kept trying to avoid the refrigerator in the picture. It was because of the assorted photos and drawings hung haphazardly on it. Apparently, it doesn't increase the home's value. So he kept trying to get a different view, which is difficult in a small house, and finally he had to get the fridge in the picture.

I don't know what the point of this blog is. I think I'm just trying to be okay with being the wife/mom that I am. I've heard it said that homeschooling moms are creative, and in general, more free-spirited. Maybe I'll hang my hat on that one.

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