Tuesday, January 29, 2008

January 29, 1991

The day that I met Jon I fell in love. I know that intelligent people just don't 'fall' in love, but I did, and I think of myself as relatively intelligent. I was a young, bumbling idiot when I showed up to babysit at his sister's house one cold, rainy Saturday and he answered the door. He was hot. Granted, he was getting ready to go for a jog in the middle of January, with snow and ice on the ground and wearing shorts. But, he was hot. Oh, did I mention that already? He looked like Sean Penn without the attitude. Don't doubt me here, I have a picture to prove it.

See, Sean Penn. Oh baby, what a hottie.

Anyway, Jon asked me how many miles he would be running if he ran from Laurie's (his sister's) to McAlpins. I know that I said quite a few things, but none of them actually formed into any words.

He was hot.

When he left for his jog and I was alone with the baby that I was supposed to be babysitting, I declared that I, Melanie Clark, was going to marry that boy, whatever his name was.

And I did.

Seventeen years ago today, we had our first date. He was on leave from the Navy in January of 1991. On our first date, Jon took me to Buffalo Wings & Rings. He drank Coronas and was such a bad influence on a sweet lil' church girl like myself. He said bad words and smoked and drank. What more could I want? I was in love. We went to see Edward Scissorhands. Weird movie from what I hear...

And then he left. As quickly as he came into my life, he was gone. I truly thought that I would never hear from him again. I cried and cried when he left. I wore my USS Harry E Yarnell sweatshirt night and day. I laid at the park with my tissues and yellow blanket and cursed the day I met him. I moped and sighed and refused to eat and refused to budge from my room for anything but the necessities.

And then, one day, one beautiful day...he called. My hands were shaking and I felt butterflies. I think I floated for days after that. He told me he missed me and that he thought of me all the time and that someday...he would come back to me, for me.

And he did. Seventeen years ago.

Did I mention that he was hot? I meant, he is hot...


Reverb said...

This is really tough for me. I'm trying not to cuss any more...and I've been doing well for a while now, but that's the funniest damn picture I've ever seen.

I'm not quite sure why.

I have got to see Jon clean shaven with short hair sometime in my life.

Man, that's a funny picture.

julie s. said...

yeah, i am totally impressed that you put that big hair on your blog for all of us to see!! too funny. of course, i had the SAME hair....

DanThoms said...

oh man, I think I'm gonna be sick, its like I'm reading seventeen magazine all over again.