Saturday, January 5, 2008

My New Toy - This could be trouble...

Okay, so this is my blog. Kind of weird, but since I started journaling early in '07, it's not as weird as it could be. Okay, it's still weird. Now, I think I have it set up properly, but am I really going to give anyone access to it? And if I do, does that mean I have to be careful of what I say? Should I let the boys read it? Oh, this is too much. I think I should just pat myself on the back for getting it set up and just call it a night. Dang it, I can't remember what I named my blog. Maybe this will be my one and only and will float around in the cybersphere forever. Too much for me.

1 comment:

Jonah said...

What do you mean you might not let me see it.