Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Valentine's Day

I really wanted Jon to stay home tonight. With Jon as a music man, he doesn't exactly have a 9-5. Sometimes he has meetings or classes at night. I want to go on record as saying that I do not, have never, and probably never will like Jon to be gone at night. I really don't like it. But tonight he is leading a class. I didn't want him to go. I wanted him to stay at home, snuggle with us, drink cocoa and make a fire. If he were to stay home, however, none of this would probably happen. He would probably wrestle with the boys and it would be loud and very manly smelling.

But he left and I was left to make the most of the night with three boys. Two boys who have been pinned up most of the day and one boy who is tired from skiing all day. These boys are LOUD tonight. It doesn't help that our house echoes something terrible. I think even the dog's toenails are loud on the floors tonight.

We played a game together and everyone had weird names for their characters: dorkus mcsquadpod, dorkbait deathly, king spiderman, goth cop, uncle vince drunk on coffee, quirl...weird names I tell you. Lots of noise, lots of burps.

Then we sat at the table to make out Valentines. I don't know how much longer I can get Jonah to make Valentines with me, but doggone, he did it this year. Of course, there was much discussion as to whether the hearts that Jack drew were actually hearts or, uh, butt cracks...Much more discussion than I would care to admit. I don't know what it is, but if a girl's name is merely mentioned, boys fly into this rage of, "I DON'T LIKE HER!" Then they proceed to chase each other around and scream. Did I tell you that it was noisy tonight?

The cutest thing was when the boys reminded me of Jack's first day of school. One of the boys in Jack's class got sent to the principal's office. Jack said that when the boy came back, he was quiet and had a weird look on his face. I asked Jack what happened, in his opinion, to the boy in the principal's office. He said, with much certainty, "Well, I am pretty sure that he got an atomic wedgie or something."

He's a smart cookie. I think atomic wedgies would be appropriate at times.

Just now the boys are winding down with their 'bednight snacks' as they are called here. Gable has his very own, much coveted mango and Jack has a clementine. Jack just informed me that he knows how clementine tangerines are made: You plant a pumpkin seed, it grows into a pumpkin, you take it off the vine and let it shrink, shrink, shrink. When it is small enough, it is a clementine. Then, you take it, peel it, and eat it.

That's all for tonight from the loud Price-home. I am going to make some nice banana bread, homemade butter, and a cup of hot cocoa.

1 comment:

Helen Ann said...

I can relate to you on the music man thing. My hubby owns a music store and is the music director at a church across town. Definitely not 9-5. And he usually gets home around 8 or 9pm when I am about ready to do my evening reading and go to bed and he is needing some time to unwind with the day's Glenn Beck Podcast. I spent V-Day with my friend Carol at a party. Ah, the life of music man wives...