Monday, February 18, 2008

The Bottom Line

My Grandma Henn took the boys and me to the dollar theatre today to see Enchanted, or 'Enchantment', as she calls it. After we got settled into our seats, I went for a popcorn and soda.

The theatre offers free refills on large sodas and popcorn and since the large was only around $.50 more, I opted for the large for the five of us. One large popcorn, one large soda, one cup with ice for water: $6.00 + $4.50 + free = $10.50. Whew, a lot to pay for a pop and popcorn, but I did get a free cup for water. As I was paying, two little girls, probably around seven or eight years old approached the counter. Here is the conversation as I recall:

girls: How much is water?
worker: $3.50

At this point, the girls started counting out their money, bill by bill, quarter by quarter, penny by penny. Ultimately, what they wanted was a snack and a cup of water, but since water is $3.50, it severely limited their choices. They decided to put their money together. They came up with several different scenarios for a snack and water, but the worker kept informing them that they were a quarter short, a dollar short, fifty cents short, whatever. At this point, I would have gladly given them the money, but heck, I didn't want to pay $3.50 for water. I just stood there waiting for the worker to ask them if they wanted a cup for water, but she never did. I almost walked away, but then I wondered if this was a case where I could aid a citizen in need. Kind of like Wonder Woman. Well, not exactly, but you get the idea.

Me: Did you tell them that they could get a free cup for water?
Worker: (heavy sigh, rolls eyes, then turns to girls) Is that what you want?
Girls: Yes! (very excited about this option, now have enough to spend on highly overpriced candy)

The girls are very happy now and surely are thinking wonderful things about me. They exit with their goods. I pick up my goods, feeling very helpful and very hero-like. Then, it happened. Evil was afoot.

The worker walked away from her post and approached me.

Worker: We're not supposed to do that, you know. We're not supposed to offer a free cup for water.
Me: You didn't offer. I did.
Worker: We're supposed to be making money here.
Me: But they were just little girls and they were spending their own money.
Worker: (wait for it.....) Well, we all have to do that to buy food.
Me: (laughing) Seriously? You'd rather charge her $3.50 for a bottle of water then give her a little cup so she can get her own?
Worker: Well, thanks to you, I'm may lose my job.

At this point, I walked away chuckling. Of course, throughout the entire movie I thought of good comebacks, but stopped myself from taking a 'potty break' just so I could pass her again and use those comebacks. But at the end of the movie, we crossed paths in the bathroom. I asked her if she lost her job yet...

So, there are three points to this blog. One is that I am very glad that I have a blog to record my stories. Two: I am glad I didn't make a fool of myself and three: When did a theatre that charges $6 for popcorn get so pathetic that they could not offer a cup to a little girl? To anyone for that matter. Maybe it isn't a big deal, but I just felt like it was a big deal this time. Like it wasn't just a cup for water, but something much bigger in life. I can't quite connect it all yet, but it really made me sad and angry and cynical all at the same time.


DanThoms said...

If I was crawling through a dessert, having not drank anything for 3 days and someone offered to sell me a bottle of water for $3.50, I would say no thanks and keep crawling. Thats just pathetic. I would have done the same thing.

Tom Ward said...

hopefully people are now coming round to the idea that paying stupid amounts of money for water is just insane. Over here, beer has become cheaper than alot of bottled water. Along with the fact that bottled water leaves a much larger environmental scar than tap water, people should pretty soon come round - and outlets will have to realise that too.

nice blog.

Helen Ann said...

Hence the reason why I rarely go to the theatre to see movies anymore...And when I do I bring contraband food in my backpack!