Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A Bit Discouraging

When we set out to begin our homeschooling journey with our boys, we thought that we'd keep them home 'for the first few years'. Although we had many reasons for homeschooling, one of our thoughts was that we wanted the boys to be well grounded and secure before entering a large public school.

Now that we've been doing this for eight years, it is clear that those 'first few years' have been extended. We have absolutely, positively no regrets. All of our early fears for homeschooling have proven to be totally unfounded and we settled into a routine long ago. Things run pretty smoothly and the boys are all used to school at home.

But, I tell you, it is one thing to go through 7th grade math while in 7th grade, and quite another to teach it to a 7th grader. There is nothing quite like it to make me feel totally and completely dumb. If and/or when I do figure out Jonah's math, it's just to the point where I can do it and get the correct answer. It's not as if I know the logic behind it enough to explain the ins and out of it.

More than once, twice, or a hundred times, I have gotten things wrong. Now that may seem like no big deal, but if you think about it, it's pretty sad that I, as a 30 something college-educated woman have a hard time with 7th grade math. And not just math, but Bible, Language Arts, and let's not forget, Science. Oh, science. I took a test today on weather patterns and got a D. Do you know anything about weather patterns? Apparently, I don't. And the sad thing is that I thought that I did.

So much of what I learned as a student didn't 'stick'. And not only did it not stick, it's doesn't even ring a bell with me. I wonder if my kids will remember these things any better than I did. Does technology really help kids be a bit smarter? I don't know. Does having library books all over the house really help? I don't know. Does homeschooling really help? I don't know.

Jon always has said that it's not important, nor is it possible, to teach a child every single thing. He says that you just equip them with the tools and confidence and then they are able to learn, be it from you or from others or from books or whatever. It just seems like such a big job sometimes.

Especially when it's 7th grade again.

At least I don't have bad acne and raging hormones this time around. Well, one out of the two ain't bad.


Sara Cohen said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog, your boys are adorable! I have heard from several people that the lining up of items (cars)is an indication of extreme intelligence. Have you heard that before? I was just happy that it keeps him occupied for hours sometimes. He's very particular about how he does it and now groups them by color or type of car. Take care!

Helen Ann said...

I am completely useless when it comes to math...And I don't mean fancy 7th grade stuff...I am talking BASIC math. I can't count change without a calculator. And I have to use my fingers to do simple subtraction...So don't beat yourself up. There's always someone more challenged than you are! :) :)

DanThoms said...

Hey, I home schooled for 10 years and when I did go to high school I didn't do to shabby. And as for college, I didn't have a 4.0 but I was only an 11th off. I still can't spell worth a lick though and that's kind of depressing.

Reverb said...

Dan - It's "didn't do too shabby", not "didn't do to shabby".

Sorry...this public schooler couldn't resist.

DanThoms said...

That is why I put the disclaimer of "I can't spell" at the end.

Kelly said...

Hi Melanie. I started unschooling this year because I realized that most of what we learn in school is forgotten and insignificant. It's a little scary but I can see a huge difference in my kids. My youngest has started reading and writing A LOT and she's no longer a bundle of nerves. My oldest is focusing on the arts which is what she really loves. I do believe that it was 7th grade math played a part in my decision to unschool!!! It almost drove both my daughter and I crazy. I took math all the way through Calculus and I don't use a lick of it and never did:(